While A-wings were originally built on an individual basis by the Alliance itself, the Mark II is mass produced by the Republic Engineering Corporation. It is produced under more standardized conditions than its hand-made predecessors, allowing for greater numbers, improved performance, and the elimination of structural and component flaws, cutting down on its high-maintenance needs. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the second generation A-wing, the Mark II, entered production and completely phased out the Mark I. It is one of the fastest interceptors in the known galaxy, even faster than the famed TIE Interceptor, the A-wing is often considered to be the functional heir of the Alpha/Delta/Eta line. The RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor is a starfighter that was designed by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, based largely on the R-22 Spearhead. Probably helps to be a little of both.' - Han Solo ' Any pilot who volunteers to fly an A-wing better be brave or crazy.
Republic Engineering Corporation (Mark II).Alliance Underground Engineering (Mark I).